Thursday, August 20, 2009

Nick and I Had Adventures...

So Nick and I were bored yesterday, well maybe not even really bored, but just in the mood to spend money we don't really have and went to Best Buy. This is what happens when we go to best buy...

Ok, so It is mostly me that pisses off consumers trying to buy Mac's and employee's that just want to close the store and can't because I'm too busy f'ing with Photobooth application on the display Macs. However, and you can probably relate with me, If you are a PC (not by choice though) and discover the Photobooth application on the Mac, that's basically the only reason you really want to buy a Mac...or maybe I'm just easily amused.

Before our Best Buy adventure, we went and ate sushi at Nori, which was extra delicious. We basically had an all around good day full of adventures galore and then came home to move some stuff around and redecorate at our place. Last weekend we got this really cool piece of Wall Art, or "the wart" (wall+art) as we like to call it, at Weekends Only. It's real Ladue and makes our apartment look expensive.

Additional upgrades that have also made me skip with glee, one being the MythTv. Oh man. So neat-o. I can't really explain it correctly, because if I tried, I wouldn't do it justice. Howev, it's really cool and going to replace our TiVo's (no TiVo payments = extra $$$ in our pockets!). Upgrades like a mutha...

To end the night on a cool note, I found out that Ismael (my sis's bf - a cool guy) is going to Virginia with Nick, Ashley (my sis) and I! Wee! I can't wait to take this trip. We're going to strech out on the beach and do predictable roadtrip activities. Life is good.