Sunday, October 25, 2009


Hey kitties, watching the weekend come to a close makes me so sad. Weekends seem to be the only time of the week where I can actually think clearly and really drink life in to the fullest.

Friday night Nick, Jonathan, Jeana, Andy-Kyle and I attended Cory's Halloween party. Cory n' his sister made this delicious punch that had dry ice in it and there was a cauldron spewing out fog everywhere, which made it look extree spooky. Woah! Saturday night, Nick and I hung out with Ash n' Ismael in St. Louis, in search of some more indie shots of Citygarden. at night.

In other news my sister and I are in the process of writing the script for our rock opera "The Office Queen" including choice songs from the band Queen. It's going to be epic, like I said, I'll see you on the cover of the Rolling Stone. Oh, and check this epic as well. Who'd of thought that the future Quentin Tarentino went to grade school with me?

Reflecting on the death of this weekend, it makes me look towards the future and when I'll have another good moment in my life...which brings me to my next point...HALLOWEEN!
Please attend Nick and I's Halloween party next weekend. Anybody who's anybody is going to be there and It's going to be so dope that you're going to want to take mental pictures so that you have them forever. Attend!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Parks n' Pals

Saturday was like one of the most relaxing days that I have had in like forever; not to mention it was the first day that the sun came out to say hi last week. Ash called me early to get some lunch and hunt for a job, and in the midst of all of that, we decided to check out Citygarden. in St. Louis.

If you haven't been, please add it to your list of things to do, because it's probably one of the neatest places in the city, next to the City Museum. I feel really glad that St. Louis has something like this, it's so neat. While we were there, two wedding groups came through for pretty pictures. Even neater about this place, there are two LCD screens in the park. Cool!

Saturday night I hung out with my buddy nick and we went and got his momma from the airport. She was just getting back from Jamaica. She had a video of her and Nick's step daddy Tracey zip lining through the jungle. It was really neato. Also, the resort treated them like family and gave them three bottles of complimentary rum from Jamaica...score! Also, we have this really awesome system in our house called Linux MCE, (check out a cool video about it here!) which weaves all of your media/electronics throughout the house. When we got home we chilled and watched some Queer as Folk and drank twisted tea (Twisted Tea = Colt 45+Tea+Flavor). Yum! Saturday...come back!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I Am In A Holiday Humor

I'm pretty sure that in a previous life, I was a cold weather dwelling animal of some sort. The cold, crisp, breezy weather makes me so happy inside. I never feel this on top of my game throughout the year, as much as I do when it's blustery outside. People get spring fever...I get fall fever. Also in the cold months, the world releases it's creative juices (mostly to make lots o' cash) and decorates to the nines. I love going to St. Louis and viewing the storefronts all decorated with holiday gear. I feel rich.

What's really exciting about this year, is that since our family lost a lot of people that were dear to us last year (Grandma Kurtz and Grammie :( ), we're going to start a new tradition and have Christmas at our apartment (Nick and I). Our normal tradition consisted of having Christmas eve at my moms with Grammie, Paw, Mom n' Dad and we'd all go to Christmas Eve service at Holy Cross. Then, when we would get home, we would open presents from the grandparents, drink dad's eggnog and watch It's a Wonderful Life.

This year, our ever expanding family (Nick, Ismael, Jonathan, Ash, Mom, Dad, Me) will all have Christmas at our apartment. I'm really looking forward to baking cookies, watching movies and enjoying everyone's company in my own home. Holidays! Hurry up and get here!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

As 1999 would say, "Raise the roof!"

Guess what Republicans...Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009! Finally a president who cares about something other than hunting and taking care of his buddies (*coughcough* George Bush)! What's really pathetic is that a lot of Repub's are really butthurt over Barack winning this and feel the need to whine on Facebook, or on the radio, etc. and so on. Can't we ever focus on the positive?? Oh wait, that's a democratic bad! It just makes me feel overjoyed that we finally have someone in office that is TCB and I feel safe with. USA!

On Friday, me and Ash n' Ismael met up with Nick for the Chili cook-off and SIUE soccer game, which was tre' lame, but we spent the time we were there making fun of the "bros" so it turned out to be a lot of fun. On Saturday Ash, Ismael and I took a trip to Alton to check out McPike Mansion, but realized we didn't have admission money to get in...lame. I really wanted to get the chance to go in and check it out, cuz when I went there back in 03' to do a story for the newspaper, you had a sign a waiver to go in. Spooooooky. When we got home, we hung out with the Nick, Jonathan and Kevin and had an all around good time. :) After everyone had left, Cory and I went with Nick to the airport, because he had to drop his mom off around 3:30 am. Last night was the first time I have ever in my life been in an airport. It was really cool to look up at the little flight board to see where everyone was headed! This weekend was really good and relaxing because I got to spend a lot of time with everyone that I love. Now to start another week...puke.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Grand Theft Autumn

Fall has arrived! Wee! Some of my greatest memories take place in the fall. I also feel like I am more of myself in the fall; with the exception of having a few down days because of loneliness setting in. I mean, wouldn't you agree that it's better to have a squish when it's cold outside? I think everyone could vouch that as a valid statement.

Last night, in celebration of fall and it's arrival, we had a mini bonfire in our backyard. It was so nice to be aro
und a fire with my favorite buddies. We did it up in real camper style; we cooked weenies and mallow's and ate them off sticks! Yum! The cold weather feels and smells so much better around a fire. I wish it was the weekend forever. Thinking about starting a new week makes me uber, uber, uber down.

I feel like I'm wasting my life, energy and losing my personality doing what I'
m doing. I haven't met anyone, I'm constantly on edge and when I get home, all of my energy and personality is sucked dry from my veins. I need a plan B. I don't think anyone around me really understands some of the strife that I'm working through. It's hard to always be as bubbly as required by the people that you're around and when it's not delivered, I think people interpret it as anger/spite towards them. I wish anyone would take the time to just sit down and talk to me. I really hate dealing with things all alone. Especially being single, it's double hard.

In other news, today Ash and I commenced in an Illinois time honored tradition of spelunking for our own pumpkins at Eckerts! We got there pretty late, but nonetheless got to ride the wagon out to pick our own pkins. :)

Check out those babies! Ash and I did pick some apples, but then I realized I didn't have enough cash to buy them so we kind of nonchalantly left the apple bag on the harm done, really. Our pumpkins were massive and I'm really excited about carving their faces in. I think mine will have a bow. Wee!