Sunday, October 4, 2009

Grand Theft Autumn

Fall has arrived! Wee! Some of my greatest memories take place in the fall. I also feel like I am more of myself in the fall; with the exception of having a few down days because of loneliness setting in. I mean, wouldn't you agree that it's better to have a squish when it's cold outside? I think everyone could vouch that as a valid statement.

Last night, in celebration of fall and it's arrival, we had a mini bonfire in our backyard. It was so nice to be aro
und a fire with my favorite buddies. We did it up in real camper style; we cooked weenies and mallow's and ate them off sticks! Yum! The cold weather feels and smells so much better around a fire. I wish it was the weekend forever. Thinking about starting a new week makes me uber, uber, uber down.

I feel like I'm wasting my life, energy and losing my personality doing what I'
m doing. I haven't met anyone, I'm constantly on edge and when I get home, all of my energy and personality is sucked dry from my veins. I need a plan B. I don't think anyone around me really understands some of the strife that I'm working through. It's hard to always be as bubbly as required by the people that you're around and when it's not delivered, I think people interpret it as anger/spite towards them. I wish anyone would take the time to just sit down and talk to me. I really hate dealing with things all alone. Especially being single, it's double hard.

In other news, today Ash and I commenced in an Illinois time honored tradition of spelunking for our own pumpkins at Eckerts! We got there pretty late, but nonetheless got to ride the wagon out to pick our own pkins. :)

Check out those babies! Ash and I did pick some apples, but then I realized I didn't have enough cash to buy them so we kind of nonchalantly left the apple bag on the harm done, really. Our pumpkins were massive and I'm really excited about carving their faces in. I think mine will have a bow. Wee!

1 comment:

  1. You can always tell me about your stuff. I listen. Don't feel down because you don't have a man...they are a lot more work and are not always "cuddly fun." You should know that by my relationship.

    Eckerts was fun! I want to go back and ride the wagon somemore.
