Monday, October 19, 2009

Parks n' Pals

Saturday was like one of the most relaxing days that I have had in like forever; not to mention it was the first day that the sun came out to say hi last week. Ash called me early to get some lunch and hunt for a job, and in the midst of all of that, we decided to check out Citygarden. in St. Louis.

If you haven't been, please add it to your list of things to do, because it's probably one of the neatest places in the city, next to the City Museum. I feel really glad that St. Louis has something like this, it's so neat. While we were there, two wedding groups came through for pretty pictures. Even neater about this place, there are two LCD screens in the park. Cool!

Saturday night I hung out with my buddy nick and we went and got his momma from the airport. She was just getting back from Jamaica. She had a video of her and Nick's step daddy Tracey zip lining through the jungle. It was really neato. Also, the resort treated them like family and gave them three bottles of complimentary rum from Jamaica...score! Also, we have this really awesome system in our house called Linux MCE, (check out a cool video about it here!) which weaves all of your media/electronics throughout the house. When we got home we chilled and watched some Queer as Folk and drank twisted tea (Twisted Tea = Colt 45+Tea+Flavor). Yum! Saturday...come back!