Friday, September 24, 2010

This Is a Long Drive for Someone with Nothing to Think About

So many things are on my shall I spill these out in an organized manner for you to read? Lets see...

Don't Ask Don't Tell and the effect my political views have on my Facebook friends
As you may or may not know, I'm pretty much an extreme democrat and supporter of equal rights. I mean, this is land of the free, correct? It's not ludicrous for me to believe that everyone should be entitled to all the same freedoms, right? Watch this.I can't believe that in this day and age that we are still acting as pig-headed as we did in the past. Also, this is closely related to the issue of marriage. Everyone should be able to be married. Marriage is about love - who are you to determine what the definition of love is? I noticed that being so passionate about my political and/or religious views really strikes a cord with some of my "clued-in" facebook friends. I never mean for any of my posts to be in a derogatory manner or to openly offend people. These issues are so close to my heart and it's hard for me not to speak aggressively about my feelings on such issues - so don't take it personally.

Next, lets touch on the issue of mixing government and religion. Not everyone is a christian. Just because you and I are, doesn't mean that Tom, Dick and Harry are. When you vote in a christian state of mind you force your beliefs down other people's throats and that's not fair. This is land of the free, which loosely means, everyone is entitled to love whomever they wish to love, with or without your consent.For the record, let me state this... "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only son, that WHOEVER believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life" - John 3:16. There's not a footnote after that passage in the bible that says..."but except you gays...not you." Also, God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit...they're about love, not hate. I think God would be kind of upset with the way people are acting and how they're treating his creations. Also, let me state, I'm not extremely churchy - but my core values and how I was raised touch on Christianity and love. We accept everyone for how they are, regardless of who they decide to love.

I hate not having a job. Yes, I might be free to do whatever during the day, but let me tell you what happens during the day while you're working...
Old people are everywhere. I don't hate old people, persay, but they are crabby, steal my parking spots, act like dicks and mostly mess up any shopping that I have do during the day. Sleep. I sleep more than I've ever slept in my entire life...and it doesn't feel like I thought it would when I had a job. Every morning when I would wake up for work, I would think, "Damn, I wish I could just sleep all day" no. It's not that great. I wake up mostly feeling like crap because I've slept forever and then the day is mostly over. Road construction. It's everywhere and everlasting. It seems like, just when the city(s) fix one area, another is torn to shreds. You're inconvenient to me - work faster.

Also, dealing with the government unemployment office is like the most complicated thing on the entire planet. Let me tell you about some shenanigans that happened to me just recently. I started school August something-or-other and certified for benefits (which you do every other week when you're unemployed) the last week in august. I was supposed to receive my unemployment that did not come. Why, you ask? Apparently (and it's not stated anywhere, per the unemployment headquarters in Chicago) you're supposed to turn in your school schedule to your local office before indicating that you're going to school on your bi-weekly unemployment survey (which you fill out when certifying for benefits). I did what I was supposed to and still didn't get my unemployment. The office lost my paperwork. Then, they found it, issued me unemployment and when I was expecting it this week, they didn't file my paperwork, so I didn't get it again! This was particularly a problem, because I was leaving to go out of town for a Leadership Summit in Chicago for Relay for Life and couldn't go because I was unsure of my funds (and other circumstances that happened within my family :( ). I was so pissed. So, short story long, stay employed.

Till next time, xx