I'm really excited about the Fame Kills tour.
(tour cancelled...lame. I hate you Kanye.)I can't hide it and I feel like such a loser for exposing my over-flowing joy that Kanye and L.Gaga are coming to town. In fact, I'm so convinced that Lady Gaga is the best thing that's happened to pop music in eons, I'm dressing up as her for Halloween 09. I appreciate her being so strange and out there, it takes the media's mind off for real psycho's like: Michael Jackson, Speidi and other worthless pieces of trash that clog my diet of celebrity gossip. Another good thing about the Fame Kills ticket will be that you're not just paying to hear the audibly delicious tunes of these genius artists, but you're probably going to get a kick ass stage show. Intricate light shows, off the wall costumes and fights in the audience for one reason or another. I wish it was tomorrow...or tonight. Anticipation!
In everyday normal life, Nick, Ash, Mael' and I went to Virginia to see The Weckers. In the picture we're all chillin' (minus me cuz I'm taking the picture) at Virginia Beach. Virginia Beach was hot, crowded and expensive. However,
the sand was alot softer than the first beach we went to. It was hard to even get in the water, because it was riddled with broken shells...however, it made for pretty good shell collecting. It was really cool where Sarah lived (one of the three Weckers). You could walk to the beach from her house and there were all kinds of cool little beach shops and diners. Fun! Driving there was pretty much the scariest hours of my lifetime, but it was well worth it. West Virginia's mountains are scary really early in the morning. Yikes!
My sister is currently at Ben Folds. Lame.
I'm so jealous. One of the downfalls to having Twitter send me sms updates is I get to hear about and see how much fun everyone else is having while I continue chugging away at my worthless, pointless, boring life.
Ben, just know...If I was ballin' enough...I'd be your Kate. Just know.