Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Sweet and Sour

Sometimes I have a hard time letting things go, especially when things offend me on a personal level. I wouldn't say that I hold grudges, but once something is said or done and it effects me deeply, it's hard to forget. Such as:

1. Politics and Political Issues

I voted on Tuesday and I felt like my vote didn't even make a difference in the outcome of the elections. Mostly, everyone that I voted for didn't get elected and all the issues that I voted for, went the other way. Also, whenever there is something going on that is political, Facebook floods with ignorance. People make statements that have no factual backing (or backing that they heard from Rush) and the small-mindedness is abounding. I cannot express to you how much it breaks my heart that some American's are still in a 1950's frame of mind and then try to support their position or defend it with God. God/The Bible are not game pieces, so please do not use them as such.

2. Liars

Lying is so filthy. If you don't like me, don't pretend that you do. I found this out to the fullest extent a little less than a month ago. I was doing a little internet surfing and came across something shocking, which illuminated to me, that what I was being fed was a bold-faced lie. Also, this has nothing to do with my friends - this deals with people that I used to trust that are ADULTS and do not act like adults. I think it hurts more when someone you feel completely safe with, like someone that is older than you, betrays your trust. I think that's probably why I'm having such a hard time dealing with the betrayal I feel inside. These people are breeding and teaching their spawn to be exactly like them - filthy, despicable people. One in particular tries to pretend that we're still "all good" like I'm some kind of fool that is still unaware of the lies. It hurts my feelings so bad, no one will ever really know.

On happier, lighter notes - lets talk about Halloween! Well, instead of talking, let me give you a little picture montage, because I feel as if I've rambled enough throughout this entry!

The annual carving of the gourds:

(Nick's pumpkin)

(My pumpkin)

(The finale)

The Halloween bash:

Some of the pictures may appear a little smokey, but that's because we had a sweet fog machine going in the living room (score) and Erin is holding a Snuggie because she won our costume contest. All in all, a great night!



  1. People on facebook make me mad too. There is this girl who is only a republican because her dad is one...not because it's her belief. She's 22 or 23 too. My dad's a republican but he can also be an idiot..

    Your party looked fun! I wish I could have been there!

  2. I know what you're talking about. That's a big thing that gets under my skin (people voting a certain way because their parents vote that way). I wish you could've came to the party, but it was nice to see you at Ashley :D

  3. Your party was fun! Don't worry about politics. It's out of our control anymore. It is sad to see the country heading in the same, racist and inhumane direction. But! We still have our family and that's all you should care about, not nasty scumbag politicians!
