Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Sitcom Love and How It Relates To Your Life

In honor of Valentines Day coming up, I thought I'd post a little blog about Amour.

If you're like me (a hopeless romantic, emphasis on hopeless) than you wish for real love, like sitcom love. However, do not be fooled. Sitcom love is a myth; they are romances that ruin our perception of real life, and what real men are actually like.

Most recently, exhibit A:

 Zoey and Ted (How I Met Your Mother - Relationship Life: Oct. 18th, 10 - Present)

Zoey and Ted's relationship began with Zoey protesting a historic building being torn down, where (in typical sitcom style) Ted's architecture firm is planning on building a new building. Ted lies and acts like he's with Zoey, however the truth comes to the surface, and after a few ups and downs, Zoey, Ted and all of their friends become close. Ted, hopelessly single, starts to have feelings for Zoey, but Zoey is married to a creepy, older, captain dude. However, when Ted tries to pretend that he no longer has feelings for Zoey and asks her to hook him up with her cousin (Katy Perry - puke), Zoey gets jealous. When Zoey runs into Barney (Neil Patrick Harris) and discovers that Ted gave Honey (Katy Perry) to him, she's overwhelmed with happiness. After a whole bunch of confusing explanations, Zoey learns that Ted loves her, and she confesses her love for Ted. Viola! A beautiful kiss is shared and love blooms. If you're like me, you sit - eyes glued to the television, and swoon over how heartwarming this new romance is and maybe, someday, it will happen to you.

Exhibit B:

 Jim and Pam (The Office - Relationship Life: May 17th, 07 - Present)

Oh, Jim and Pam. I've always felt so like Pam. Pam and I are quiet, yet outgoing when we feel comfortable.We both are artists in our own respects (she draws, I'm a graphic artist), we both drive Yaris's, and we both felt a connection with a boy in our office. For a while, I felt like watching Jim and Pam on The Office was a mirror of what my life was actually like at the time. If you're not familiar with The Office, Jim and Pam work in the same office together. They form such a close friendship that they start to have feelings for each other. Whenever Pam would be really into Jim, Jim would be in a relationship and vice-versa. For months, we pained to see Jim and Pam finally get together - when they did, I felt like my heart was going to bust. To this day, whenever I watch the clip below (see it - sorry about the advertisement at the beginning) it makes me snivel like a little babe.

See what I mean? Whenever Jim busts in the door and Pam starts to cry a bit, holy cow. I always thought that my Jim and Pam situation would end up like this - unfortunately no.

I am the perfect example of a lost cause. I still hold on to the hope that love like this can really, actually happen. I've seen glimpses of it and usually yes, my glimpses were actually dreams in disguise - however, feeling that hope that goes along with these glimpses and how deep it made my body react, sitcom love has to exist. I started this post, in hopes of trying to convince you not to keep your hopes up high for love like sitcom love. I think I need to convince myself first.



  1. Stef:

    I completely agree. Disney movies and sitcoms give us a false sense of what we should expect out of love. The feeling of butterflies or fireworks upon a first kiss is not realistic. Feels of revulsion and tolerance happen more often after a first date. I know I always get a little teary when I seem Jim & Pam and I also did in last night's "How I Met Your Mother," I think it's sadness that it's completely unrealistic to think that might happen. Yes, love exists, and great relationships do too, but the fights don't have comical twists like sitcoms and when somethings over it is typically OVER. I feel like every sitcom love story should be accompanied by an asterisk!

  2. So true! I was going to also include the romance between Michael and Holly on The Office, but I didn't want to monopolize this post with "Office" romances haha but yes I agree with you, fights do not come equipped with a laugh track, and every day is not walking on a magical cloud of awesome. I, as well, vote that sitcoms start putting disclaimers at the bottom of shows: "Actual love is not like this, and may never happen to you." haha

  3. I like the sitcom disclaimer. I agree it needs to happen. Someone should notify the networks!

  4. The worst part, for me, about these false ideas about love is that after I get really into a TV/Movie couple then I start to question my relationship. These shows make me put Brandon (and other guys) on a pedastal and I wonder is he really "the one"? Or have I made a monstrous mistake. Because honestly, I don't feel that I have that Jim and Pam love right now. I used to but it faded, like the lust phase of a relationship usually does. I don't know...Love seems sort of sad to me.

    I don't think you're a lost cause by any means. In fact, when I think of you and your fantastic sense of humor, sweetness, that pretty face, and personality and I am shocked you don't have men beating down your door. And I really feel that way. I think you are the whole package and the more I get to know you the more I know that's true. I know I've known you for awhile but the past few years have been a lot different. I've had to re-establish a lot of relationships. Love is going to come to you, one way or another. Maybe technology will match you up with someone perfect, or maybe a friend will.. I don't know but it IS going to happen for you.

  5. Sarah - Ash and I have been talking alot about "Jim and Pam" love and how it might not really exist, like it does on television atleast. I know what you're talking about though; these shows really idealize love and make us question our current or future relationships. Also, like you, I really get into the couples when I watch shows like this and pine for relationships of their epic love magnitude. I'd like to say in full honesty that I think that these situations are amped up for television, however I would be a liar. I guess I'm 50/50 on it - I really want to believe that I, like Pam, will find the guy that is the exact fit to my puzzle. This makes it really hard to date. Thanks NBC.

    Also, thank you for your sweet comments. It made me kind of teary-eyed to know that someone thinks that highly of me, because I have absolutely no confidence whatsoever. I also feel the same way about you and agree that our friendship has grown alot closer in the past few years. I really do consider you part of our family and it makes me so happy that you're cheering for me. It gives me hope and confidence to know I have people like you in my corner. :)
